This vignette goes over the
different functions the ptools
package has to generate
spatial features common to criminological stype spatial covariate
analysis. These include creating spatial units of analysis (grid cells,
hexagons). And calculating different spatial feature engineering, such
as the distance to nearest and kernel density estimates for covariate
I will start off with an example loading in the data that is included
in the package, and I load the sp
library to use its simple
plotting functions.
library(sp) #for plotting functions
# Plot shootings in NYC
We can create a set of vector grid cells over the study area. The projection is in feet, so here I make half-square mile grid cells over the NYC borough outline.
hm_grid <- prep_grid(nyc_bor,5280/2)
# Plot shootings in NYC
I have provided two arguments to the functions to limit the vector areas returned. One is sometimes we only want areas that have at least one observation for certain analyses (so at least one shooting over the 15+ year period in the current sample).
lim_grid <- prep_grid(nyc_bor,5280/2,point_over=nyc_shoot)
# Plot shootings in NYC
So you can see it is not as filled in for Staten Island. Note that
there is an additional argument, point_n
, if you wanted to
limit grid cells even more, so at least 2, 3, etc. points are in a grid
A second way we can limit the grid cells are to not have dongle grid cells – cells that only cover a small portion of the city. Here I only include grid cells that have over 30% of their area inside of the border of the city. Note though that this will cause some areas inside the jurisdiction to not be covered. But you can pretty clearly see the reduced number of areas compared to the original grid cells.
lim_grid2 <- prep_grid(nyc_bor,5280/2,clip_level = 0.3)
# Plot shootings in NYC
# See how many fewer than original
print(nrow(hm_grid)) #original
#> [1] 1493
print(nrow(lim_grid2)) #no dongles less than 30%
#> [1] 1290
print(nrow(lim_grid)) #only overlap 1 shooting
#> [1] 876
I also have a similar function, prep_hexgrid
, that
prepares spatial units of analysis in hexagons instead of square grid
cells. One difference is that instead of specifying the size of the cell
per length of a side, it specifies it per unit area. So it make it a
square mile, use 5280^2
as the area argument. (Here I make
it a half square mile.)
hex_grid <- prep_hexgrid(nyc_bor,(5280/2)^2,clip_level = 0.3)
#> Warning: attribute variables are assumed to be spatially constant throughout
#> all geometries
# Plot shootings in NYC
The prep_hexgrid
function also has the same
and point_n
arguments as does the
function. Here I limit to areas with more than 4
hex_lim <- prep_hexgrid(nyc_bor,(5280/2)^2,point_over=nyc_shoot,point_n=4)
# Plot shootings in NYC
Note that the way I wrote these functions, the
for hexagons can be somewhat slow. Doing
though should be reasonably fast.
converts from raster to vector, so if you have
very tiny cells, you may consider just keeping the original
raster format for analysis. The conversion to vector will always creep
up your memory usage and computation time.
Finally, I have a function that if you have a set of origin points, you can create voronoi polygons within an outline area. Sometimes if working with line or address based features it is simpler to convert to polygons and do subsequent geospatial operations. But note this can take a bit of time as well for any really dense point set (same as really tiny grid cells or hexagons).
# Make a smaller sample of the liquor stores in NYC
liq_samp <- nyc_liq[sample(rownames(nyc_liq@data),20),]
# Buffer, it is hard to view all the little islands
nyc_buff <- buff_sp(nyc_bor,5000)
# Now create Voronoi/Thiessen areas
liq_vor <- vor_sp(nyc_buff,liq_samp)
# Plot to show off
The spatial feature engineering functions are not only for creating
vector spatial units, but assigning typical values we may be interested
in. So lets reuse our hex_grid
over the city, and calculate
the number of shootings in each hexgrid:
Remember since hex_grid
eliminated some dongles, we may
be interested to see if we happened to lose some shootings on the edges
of NYC.
So we ended up losing 37 shootings using this grid. We can also use weights in these functions. So here, say I wanted to do a pre/post analysis. A simple way to do that is to weight the observations in the original point pattern, and then use that field as a weight.
covid_date <- as.Date('03/22/2020', format="%m/%d/%Y")
nyc_shoot$pre <- 1*(nyc_shoot$OCCUR_DATE < covid_date)
nyc_shoot$post <- 1*(nyc_shoot$OCCUR_DATE >= covid_date)
hex_grid$shoot_pre <- count_xy(hex_grid,nyc_shoot,weight='pre')
hex_grid$shoot_post <- count_xy(hex_grid,nyc_shoot,weight='post')
So you can see that the pre and post shooting counts are highly correlated and a few maybe outliers.
Sometimes we want other feature engineering RTM or Egohood style,
with density of nearby features. So we can calculate the density
(assuming a Gaussian kernel), for liquor stores at the centroid
of our polygon features. Since the area of our hexgrid is half a square
mile, (5280/2)^2
, this means that the vertex to vertex
diameter of our hexagon cells is hex_dim((5280/2)^2)
, not
quite 3300 feet (see also the hex_area
functions to convert between different hexagon
sizes). So there is not much point of doing a KDE bandwidth for under
this (will basically be the same as just counting up the total inside of
the hexagon. So here I do a bandwidth of 1 mile.
I also have similar functions to kernel density for bisquare weights,
, and for inverse distance weighting,
. And for these you can pass in weights the same as
for the counts I showed above. I don’t have any demographic data here,
but for egohoods you may have census data at centroids, such as the
total number households in poverty, and use that as a weight (or a mean
One function that is slightly different than others is the distance between two point sets. So here is the distance to the nearest NYC outdoor cafe (note that this data source has no outdoor cafes in Staten Island):
Unlike the other functions, you can pass in two point sets here, under the hood it just grabs the X/Y coordinates for each set. So here is the closest shooting to a cafe.
dist_shoot <- dist_xy(nyc_cafe,nyc_shoot,fxy=c('X_COORD_CD','Y_COORD_CD'))
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> 50.09 280.68 511.06 768.37 895.34 5765.33
Not shown, but if the base polygons/features do not have X/Y
coordinates. You can do something like
coords <- coordinates(base); base$x <- coords[,1]
ditto the second column for y (assuming base
is a sp class
object). This function does not have a weight function, as that does not
make sense.
The final feature engineering point to note is the
function. Unlike the other functions that operate
on the centroids of the polygons (or whatever X/Y coordinates you pass
in), this counts the number of points within a specified distance to the
polygon border. This buffers the feature dataset and then calculates the
overlap, so with very large features can take a bit (whereas kernel
density calc timing is mostly a function of how many base polygons you
hex_grid$dcnt_cafe1mile <- dcount_xy(hex_grid,nyc_cafe,5280)
abline(v=5280) # not perfect, because of difference between polygon distance vs centroid distance
Again you can use a weight function in the dcount_xy
function. So if you wanted to say count the number of children attending
school in 1 kilometer of your base polygons, this would be the function
you use.